Deprecated Projects¶
This section contains archives of projects that are no longer maintained or actively used by the CubeDAO Core Team. These projects are available for download and local use but are no longer supported.
Notice: Redistribution of these services is prohibited without proper acknowledgment. All projects remain the intellectual property of CubeDAO, and downloading is allowed strictly for local, non-commercial use.
Available Projects¶
Survival 1.0¶
- Project Description: Original version of the Survival game mode for CubeDAO.
- World Map Download: Survival 1.0 World Map
- Minecraft Server Version: git-Purpur-1632 (MC: 1.18.2)
- API Version: 1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
- Note: Requires advanced familiarity with Spigot server setup and configuration.
- File Size: 18.5GB (Uncompressed)
Survival 2.0¶
- Project Description: Updated version of the Survival game mode with enhancements from Survival 1.0.
- World Map Download: Survival 2.0 World Map
- Minecraft Server Version: git-Purpur-1927 (MC: 1.19.3)
- API Version: 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
- File Size: 17.4GB (Compressed)
Additional Information¶
For inquiries about other deprecated projects or to request additional archives, please contact the CubeDAO Core Team.
By accessing these archives, you agree to the terms of use outlined above. Thank you for your interest in CubeDAO’s legacy projects!